PRE AND POST Deliverable 2.3 - Agenfor International

PRE AND POST Deliverable 2.3


D2.3 - Communities of Practices

Task 2.3, “Community of Practices” (CoPs) contributed to verify and elicit data, while their main objective will be the expansion of the PRE-AND-POST National Network, covering all 26 districts and Courts of Appeal, gathering judges, prosecutors, lawyers and court experts to be engaged in research, piloting and training activities throughout the course of the PRE-AND-POST project.

The network of experts contributed to defining good practices in the selection of cooperation instruments for specific non-custodial measures, provide guidance and knowledge for the Italian Observatory for Alternative Measures to detention in Pre-and-Post Trial (WP3), using an appropriate IT-Platform, and contents for the Virtual Reality Platform (WP4), as well as information for the targeted dissemination in WP5.

In this deliverable, we report the results of the CoPs conducted in five meetings, held in North, Central, South Italy and Islands (Sicilia e Sardegna), done in Trieste, Venezia, Milano, Catanzaro and Messina. The CoPs engaged lawyers, judges, prosecutors and legal experts, including UEPE (probation office) and USSM (juveniles offices) representatives to facilitate open dialogue on experiences in using CFD 2008/947/JHA and 2009/829/JHA.