We are pleased to announce the publication of the English version of the report on the online seminar “Rendering Justice to Gender-Based Violence” held on February 29, 2024. This seminar was an integral part of the EUROJUSTICE and PRE-AND-POST – Trial Alternative Justice projects, co-funded by the European Commission.
🔹 An advanced training initiative: The seminar was a significant advanced training opportunity aimed at the judiciary. Its main goal was to critically address gender stereotypes and promote a more aware and sensitive judicial system regarding gender-based violence and secondary victimization.
🔹 Report authors: Marina Rallo, PhD candidate at LUMSA University of Rome, and Costanza Hermanin, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges and Assistant Professor at the European University Institute in Florence; Luisa Pola, Lawyer qualified to practice before the Superior Magistrates’ Courts – District Counsel for Discipline – Parenting Coordinator; Lucrezia Fortuna, Lawyer and Legal Counsel (Family Law and Human Rights) – EquALL, authored this comprehensive document. The review and coordination were managed by Agenfor International.
We invite you to read the report to delve into the discussed topics and contribute to making the judicial system fairer and more attentive to gender-based violence.